Wednesday, November 14, 2012

All You Need Is a Glass of Water

“Growing up, The Glass of Water Technique was my go-to technique. I found it to be very successful for those times I felt sick. For example, if I had a stomach ache I would go into my level and energize a glass of water. Then, while drinking the water, I would tell myself, “This is all I have to do to rid myself of this stomach ache.” I would also imagine myself feeling healthy and strong after I drank the energized glass of water. And it worked every time!”

More recently, I used this technique to revive a plant of mine. I bought a plant, that I’m sorry to say I was neglecting and one day I noticed that my little plant was not doing so well. That night I decided to energize a glass of water and give it to the plant. As I watered the plant with the energized water, I pictured the plant growing big and strong. I have been doing this for a couple of days now and I am proud to report that my plant is look more alive than ever!

The Glass of Water technique is also used whenever you need information or guidance. It is excellent for making decisions, finding misplaced objects and gaining a deeper understanding of life’s challenging situations. When we do not know the solutions to problems, we lack the necessary information. Once we have enough information, answers and solutions usually become obvious.

Here is an explanation of The Glass of Water Technique.

The Glass of Water exercise is a technique used for solving problems and goal achievement.

  • At night, just before retiring, get a water glass and fill it with water. While drinking approximately half of the water, close your eyes, turn them slightly upward, and say to yourself, “This is all I need to do to find the solution to the problem I have in mind.”
  • Then, put away the remaining half glass of water, go to bed and sleep.
  • In the morning, upon awakening, drink the remaining half-glass of water, then close your eyes, turning your eyes slightly upward, and say to yourself, “This is all I need to do to find the solution to the problem I have in mind.”
  • With this programming, you may awaken during the night or in the morning with a vivid recollection of a dream that contains information that you can use for solving the problem, or during the day you may have a flash of insight that contains information that you can use for solving the problem.
Remember with The Glass of water technique you enter your level automatically as you close your eyes and turn them slightly upward while drinking the water. Also, get creative with your Silva Method Techniques…I used it to revive my plant.

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