Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What to do with RM 1 Million

I think everyone also got dream of a windfall of RM 1 million. With RM 1 million we can buy what we like... invest in property/stock... & etc. How about you?? What you going to do with the money? Personally I have made a planned for myself if it's really happen to me... :) 

So this is what i going to do.... 

1. Spare out RM 160,000 and buy 2 rental properties. With each property price around RM 400,000 and each down payment around RM 80,000 so my monthly installment will be around RM 1,900. Then will rent out the two properties each RM 2,200/month to get a rental gain RM 600/month. So my yearly rental gain will be around RM 7,200. After deduct all the fees the rental gain can be around RM 6,500/year. 

2. Invest RM 500,000 in stocks which have around 5%-8% return. If yearly return is 6% then i can get RM 30,000. However, I think i can get more than 6%... :D 

3. Spare out RM 50,000 to travel with family. 

4. Donate RM 50,000 to charity foundation who helping people. Furthermore, every year continuously donate RM 10,000 to them. 

5. I will buy an Audi TT. I like the design & style... :) Of course, I will do installment... :)
6. The rest of money will put in FD with around 3% return which is RM 6,200. This money will use for future emergency and child education.

I hope you all enjoy the dreams... and I hope all our dream come true... :D


  1. Dude, If I got 1 million I will retire... Wooohooo

  2. yess... retire... but we also need to earn passive income so the money won't finish
