Saturday, March 31, 2012

Opportunities around you, grab It

Opportunities above the risk, rather than risk above opportunities

In Australia, there is a famous bakery called the Old Style Bread Center. One day, an employee resigned and opened his own shop name Bakers Delight. During that period supermarket has force many bakeries shut down, but Roger Gillespie, the employee that resign, open stores with the ideas products fresh from the oven. As the result, the tradition idea get good response and Bakers Delight outlets are now mushrooming in the country kangaroo.

So if you know Facebook, Dell and Bakers Delight please explored how Mark Zuckerberg built Facebook, how Michael Dell built Dell Inc  and how Roger Gillespie expand Bakers Delight in which the products at first already exists on the market, then what do you doubt to build a business? Opportunity is all around you, go and grab it, because think a thousand times to do business is not better than one practice. Do not always calculate the risk of doing business. You may not always be lucky, sometimes will also face losing, but we must always "learn how to win, learn how to lose". Uncertainty is something that we can not avoid doing business, but the most important thing is the resilience and maturity of experience, and always willing to learn from mistakes, and always learn from the market.

Businesses need a recklessness, because you are definitely not Frederick Smith who inherited $4 Million when just returned from military service in Vietnam. With the money that legacy, Smith practiced his idea to establish a firm delivery goods quickly, even overnight, to various destinations named Federal Express. There were only two possibilities can occur either loss of heritage or success. It turned out, five years later his wealth become $2.1 Billion. 

Recklessness is what's hard, often heard my friends said a lot of theorizes, read thousands of books, master the world famous matrices, but do not have the boldness to practice. They mostly put risk above the opportunity. 

For a legacy much like a Smith, be thankful for having the ability and possibility to build a business Federal Express instead of some of us with nothing but recklessness. However, know that the recklessness is precisely our greatest capital in starting a business. Always practiced, rather than thinking, opportunities always around you. To be success, start action differently.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

CCTV Interview Malaysian Businessman Robert Kuok Hock Nien

This is a CCTV interview Robert Kuok Hock Nien. Robert Kuok is the richest person in Malaysia ($12.4B, 2011 Source In this interview, Robert Kuok will share with us how his success and the value should have for a business person.

Good Quote from Robert Kuok "Need to be gutsy, if not you will let go all the opportunity come to you"

Monday, March 26, 2012

5 Easy Passive Income Method

Passive Income is the income that we earn with little effort involved. Having a multiple passive income will help you to create wealth and also let you to have more freedom in your life. Nowadays, many people are talking about financial freedom and one way to achieve it is to have multiple passive incomes which can cover the monthly expenses. For those people who still don't have any passive income, I think is time for you and your family to sit down and think about it. 

Please don't think that creating passive income is a difficult task and require a large amount of money. Actually it is fun and easy... even kids also can do it. Let me share with you 5 easy passive income methods you can start with... 

1. High Yield Saving Account 
Sometimes we might not notice what is our saving account interest rate because is it relative low. However, a 0.1% differences in long run will be a huge amount. Normally bank will give 0.1% - 0.3%. Let said, if you have 100,000 dollar in bank A with interest rate 0.1% and 100,000 dollar in bank B with interest rate 0.2%. If after 1 year you check at your account in bank A the amount will be 100,100 dollar and bank B the amount will be 100,200 dollar so we can see the difference is 100 dollar. With 100 dollar we can use it to buy stationary for our kids. 

2. Fix Deposit 
This is an investment tools created by bank, where customer agree to save some amount of money in the bank with a locking period and then customer will get a guarantee return. The return is normally between 2% - 4% per annual. No service and annual fee charge required. For example, just put 1000 dollar to fix deposit with a 1 year locking period and 3% return then after 1 year when your fix deposit maturity you will receive 1030 dollar which mean that you have a 30 dollar passive income. 

3. Unit Trust Fund Investment 
If you think Fix Deposit return is low maybe you can invest in some trust fund which give better return. These kinds of trust fund normally provide 6% - 20% return. However please carefully select the fund you going to invest because normally trust fund will have a annual fee charge. 

4. Stock Investment 
Stock investment is always treating as a favorite tool for passive income. The reason is because the access is easy and also the return can come from capital appreciation and dividend. However some might think stock investment is very risky. Well, with proper planning and analysis I think we can reduce the risk. One of the way to reduce the risk is to invest in dividend stock. This kind of stock can give 4% - 10% dividend. Normally dividend stock will have a good fundamental and strong management so if any market crash they still can withstand it. Examples of dividend stock in Malaysia are BAT, Dutch Lady, Digi, Public Bank, Nestle, Guinness, Carlsberg and Telekom Malaysia. 

5. Pension Fund 
Pension Fund is also one of the passive income that for longer term. The objective of Pension fund is to provide a measure of security for the retirement to its member. In some country pension fund is a compulsory saving scheme for all employees. Normally they can withdraw their pension fund after 55 years old. In Malaysia, we call it EPF (Employee Provident Fund). Pension fund will also use the fund to invest in stock equity and the profit they get will be share to members as a dividend. 

The above are some easy passive income method which require very little amount of money and time. Please start early and enjoy the passive income you earn. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Incredible 14 year old Who Bought a House

This girl already own a house when she 14 year old. What are you doing when you are 14 years old?? This girl has inspiring and motivate a lot of people. I think there are some financial values we can get from this girl. Please feel free to watch the video.

Lesson I get from this video is well prepared yourself before the opportunity come. She saves the money she earns and when the property market down she use that money and bought her a house then rent out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

6 General Strategy for Stock Investment

Nowadays stock investment has become one of the way people look for passive income. In stock market, retailer can trade 1000 plus of company stock. However, which stock to buy is always the question everyone asking. Some retailer will buy stock base on technical analysis provided by banker, fund manager and even trader itself. Then some will base on rumors spread by friends or forums. However, the result is not always what they expected.

Eventually, I believe technical analysis is the best tools to help us to pick which stock to buy. However, I know some of you are not so good in technical analysis so you might want to know what the other strategies to invest in stock are. Here are some general strategies I will use for stock investment. 

1. Value the company 
Always value the stock base on the company growth, profit and cash holding. The company must have future growth and have to be always active in expending their business. The company needs to have good track of profit. Their cash holding also have to be strong. 

2. Pricing Power 
Try to invest in company which has pricing power. This kind of company can increase their product price and yet it won't reduce their sales. The company which has pricing power normally can withstand the market crisis. This is also one of criteria when Warren Buffett invests into the company. 

3. Invest Dividend Stock 
Invest in high dividend stock. Why dividend stock? It's simple because high dividend stock can provided you a good passive income. With passive income you can reinvest back into stock. 

4. Focus 
Focus on buying the stock. Don't too diversify your portfolio. When found a value stock to invest, focus on investing to the stock. Do not panic when the market is down. 

5. Monitor stock once a week 
Everyday monitor your stock will make you emotional and then make mistake. Try to monitor your stock once a week so you can also enjoy your life besides investing stock. 

6. Buy when down 
When market is down, do not panic... try to review which stock you can invest Try to find which entry level you are comfortable. This is the time where you can find the value company with a good stock price. 

I know the strategy is very simple and maybe everyone already know however sometimes we tend to forget. Sometimes, simple make our life easier. Happy and enjoy investing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to Become a Money Magnet

I found this article quite interesting so I want to share with my reader. We all also hope to become money magnet however how to achieve it is one of the secret which rich know but you don't know.

Do you intend to become an irresistible MONEY MAGNET?
Then, get busy activating the universal LAW OF ATTRACTION
Here are some steps you can take right away.

1. Eliminate from your mind any beliefs in lack of money
2. Eliminate from your mind the belief that "it is hard to make money"
3. Eliminate from your mind the belief that it is only possible to make money through a hard, painful, limiting job
4. Eliminate from your mind any belief in debt. This insidious belief will keep you in debt
5. Eliminate from your mind any belief in LOSS. This destructive belief will make you lose what little you may have
6. Eliminate from your mind limiting thoughts such as "It is too expensive", "I cannot afford it", "There is never enough", "I never have enough"
7. Open your mind to receive money from any source and any direction, even in the most unexpected ways
8. Start to appreciate, love and even bless whatever amount of money you now have. Say to yourself "Money is good. Money is wonderful. I love money and money loves me". This will signal your mind and the universe to send you even more money
9. Eliminate from your mind any resentment, condemnation or criticism of rich people. These thoughts will keep money away from you
10. Appreciate all the wealth and riches surrounding you. Appreciate the riches and wealth of others. Use the HUNA technique and whenever you see something you desire for yourself bless it and also bless its owner.
11. Always be thankful and grateful for whatever money you have. These attitudes will attract more money into your life and multiply it
12. Appreciate and even bless every dollar bill (of any denomination) or any coins you come in contact with
13. Love yourself and always put yourself first.
14. Remember to always pay yourself first. Pay your creditors AFTER you have paid yourself. This behavior will send a clear signal to your Subconscious mind and the entire universe that you always come first and that you deserve wealth
15. Believe you were born to win, you were born to be rich and that you deserve to be wealthy simply because you were born on this planet. That's reason enough for you to have wealth
16. Take some time during the day and imagine how you will use the wealth you have. In your imagination, buy that house, that car, those things you desire. Let go of the thought that "I cannot afford it"
17. Instead of worrying about any money problems, do your best to WORRY about all the money coming your way and how in the world you are going to spend it to make you and others happy. Really WORRY about it
18. Do your best to start ACTING AS IF you are already rich, a millionaire. Constantly ask yourself "How/what would a millionaire think or speak in this situation?" Then, think and speak from that millionaire mindset.
19. Constantly keep telling yourself over and over that "It is real easy for me to make money, as much money as I desire"
20. Keep telling yourself over and over every single day that "I am a money magnet. I attract money like a magnet. I attract money quickly, easily, effortlessly and having fun. Money is now coming to me from every source and every direction in avalanches of abundance."
21. The Subconscious responds very well to very exact amounts of money. Therefore, set a definite amount of money you want to attract into your life. Keep telling yourself over and over that you are attracting that
amount quickly, easily, effortlessly and having FUN!

As you practice the steps mentioned above, your MONEY BLUEPRINT will change and you will start attracting more and more money into your life -- the EASY way.

Copyright (c) 2007 by Leo Foster. All rights reserved.
Reproduction permitted as long as there are no additions
or modifications to this article and author's name,
Copyright Notice and URL are kept intact. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

5 Simple Saving Tips for your kids

From young my mother always asked us to save money. She always said don't spend money to buy unnecessary things, save the money so we can use the money when we really need it in the future. Here I would like to share some simple tips that you can teach your kids about saving.

1. Open bank account
Please open a bank account for your kids. Let your kids monitor the in and out of the money. Teach your kids about bank interest rate. By doing this, you kids will more cherish the money in their account because they know that is their money and how they can earn from interest rate.

2. Buy using own money
When your kids are asking you to buy toys, tell them this is the amount money in your account and how much you want to take out to buy the toys and ask the reason why they need this toy. The kids will learn whether it's worthy to buy the toys and you will find it funny because your kids will think very long which toy to buy.

3. Earn the money
Let your kids know they need to earn the money so they understand where they money come from. You can let them earn from reward for example if they archive good grade in the school reward them some money. This can teach them that money is not come from the sky... :)

4. Saving Competition
Having a saving competition can encourage them to save more. Let said if they can save until certain amount you will reward them. 

5. Make Mistakes
Let you kids make mistake with their money. It is better they lose $10 toy car then later $100,000 real car. For example, your kids buy toy car using their money and when the toy car broke, communicate with them and teach your kids what they can learn from it. Tell the kids they can use the money more wisely. A small mistake for your kids will help them in the future.

Hope you all enjoy teaching your kids about saving.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What to do with RM 1 Million

I think everyone also got dream of a windfall of RM 1 million. With RM 1 million we can buy what we like... invest in property/stock... & etc. How about you?? What you going to do with the money? Personally I have made a planned for myself if it's really happen to me... :) 

So this is what i going to do.... 

1. Spare out RM 160,000 and buy 2 rental properties. With each property price around RM 400,000 and each down payment around RM 80,000 so my monthly installment will be around RM 1,900. Then will rent out the two properties each RM 2,200/month to get a rental gain RM 600/month. So my yearly rental gain will be around RM 7,200. After deduct all the fees the rental gain can be around RM 6,500/year. 

2. Invest RM 500,000 in stocks which have around 5%-8% return. If yearly return is 6% then i can get RM 30,000. However, I think i can get more than 6%... :D 

3. Spare out RM 50,000 to travel with family. 

4. Donate RM 50,000 to charity foundation who helping people. Furthermore, every year continuously donate RM 10,000 to them. 

5. I will buy an Audi TT. I like the design & style... :) Of course, I will do installment... :)
6. The rest of money will put in FD with around 3% return which is RM 6,200. This money will use for future emergency and child education.

I hope you all enjoy the dreams... and I hope all our dream come true... :D

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lehman emerges from 3.5-year bankruptcy

Lehman, whose September 2008 collapse is often regarded as the height of the financial crisis, will start distributing what it expects to be a total of about $65 billion to creditors on April 17, it said in a statement. 

That first group of payments to creditors, many of whom lost money in its collapse 3-1/2 years ago, will be at least $10 billion, Lehman has said previously. 

The move is a legal milestone, but does not indicate the immediate end of Lehman Brothers. The company will continue to operate, in the same midtown Manhattan headquarters it was in before bankruptcy, albeit on fewer floors, as it sells off its remaining assets before finally closing up shop. 

Bloomberg Billionaires Index

Well, this should give Forbes—known for their annual "rich lists"—a run for their money.
Last night, Bloomberg released the "Bloomberg Billionaires Index," the first daily global ranking of the richest people in the world as part of their coverage of wealth.
The index is available here, and its most noticeable characteristic is that it is built to change daily depending on stock fluctuations and economic/company news.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Stock Portfolio March 2012

This is the 1st time I sharing my stock portfolio which currently I own. I make it simple and easy to understand for my reader. Well nothing to be proud of its just for me to keep track and sharing with you all. Just hope one day my stock portfolio can provide me nice stream of passive income.

Where to invest with your extra money?

Where to invest with your extra $$?? I think a lot of people are searching for the answer. 

I love to share out some of the investment that we can explore to. 

Fixed Deposit (Low Risk) 

Fixed Deposit is the most low risk investment due to low return rate. It is the only guarantee & secures investment in the market. For example, if you put 10,000 and FD rate is 3% then u will get 10,300 at the maturity date. No admin fees or charges. 

Stock/Share (Medium - High Risk) 

Stock investment will have some risk exposure for investor. There is no guarantee return to invest in stock market. However, with a proper planing and analyst, one can get nice return in stock investment. E.g. Warren Buffet. In stock market, company will listed and allow investor to trade. The company will use the money they get from the market to expense their business. In return, if the company performance or profit the company share price can go up and also company might give back some profit to their investor as a dividend form. 

Unit Trust (Low - Medium Risk) 

Unit Trust investment is good for people who does not want or don't have time to monitor the market. Normally, people will entrust their money to fund manager and help them to invest. This kind of investment will incur fees and charges. 

Forex (High Risk) 

Forex investment is where we trading currency, buy or sell. This investment is high risk because the movement is very fast so it will be better if you got a trading plan 1st before you invest in this. The major currency people usually trading are EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/JPY and USD/CHF. 

Gold (Low Risk) 

Gold is a good investment for hedging inflation. Gold has provided impressive record in recent years. However, Gold itself does not create any value. It is not a company that can be judge by performance or profit so Gold price will only depend on supply and demand. 

Property (Medium Risk) 

Property investment can be categories to capital gain or rental gain. For capital gain, normally investor will source new property development and once the property ready they will sold it out. For rental gain, investor will buy the property and rent out the property to get the rental. 


This is one of the investments that we always left out. We will only realize this investment very important when we need it. Insurance is not only investment but also a protection for your family. It can be either life insurance or health insurance. Please allocate some money here. 

These are only some investment which I like to share with you all.